Last updated:

9th April 2024


Tell us to fix something

Use our search to find issues you can report, such as:

  • Potholes
  • Rubbish / recycling that hasn't been collected
  • Fly-tipping
  • Abandoned cars

Make a complaint

Complain to us if:

  • You're not happy with a service we've provided
  • You're not happy with the way you've been treated

Make a complaint

Complaints process - what will happen next?

We'll contact you to confirm that we have received your complaint, to let you know who‘s looking at it, how to contact them and how long it will take. 

What can I expect after I complain?

We'll come back to you with a solution or explanation about why something went wrong. We always try to fix what went wrong but if we can't we'll let you know why.

We'll use your complaints feedback to help improve our services.

More details

Read the following documents for more details about our complaints process:

Give website feedback