Last updated:

16th July 2024

Safeguarding and referral

Safeguarding our Community

There is no single profile of a person likely to become drawn into extremist and terrorist ideologies and behaviours, but signs could be:

  • Becoming withdrawn and no longer participating in usual activities
  • Expressing feelings of anger, grievance and injustice
  • Go missing from their home, school or care setting
  • Join a new group of friends who have extremist ideologies
  • Using language that supports "us and them" model of thinking
  • Possessing or searching for extremist literature online


  • Avoid complicated and worrying explanations that could be frightening and confusing
  • Offer reassurance and comfort
  • Listen carefully to their fears and worries

How you can help:

  • Look out for signs of radicalisation
  • Tell us about your concerns

    If you are worried about someone

    If you have concerns that someone you know may be in danger of becoming radicalised, or that the process has already begun, there are steps you can follow.

    If there is immediate danger, act responsibly and call 999.

    If you have a less immediate concern, call 101 and ask to speak to a Prevent Officer

    Referring someone for support

    1. Reporting a concern for a child:
      Contact MASH: 0118 908 8002 or email:
    2. Reporting a concern for an adult:
      Contact: Adult Safeguarding Hub on 0118 974 6371 or email:
    3. Go to the National police PREVENT - Action Counters Terrorism website and contact the advice line to help you share a concern.
    4. Get help if you’re worried about someone being radicalised on the website.

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