Last updated:

9th April 2024

Help with school anxiety

What to do if your child is anxious about attending school or refusing to go to school.

Some children and young people may experience difficulties attending school. 

If your child is anxious about going to school, talk to them about what’s worrying them.

Once you understand what’s going on for your child, you can take steps to help them feel happier about going to school.

There are also services to give you advice and support.

Find out what support your child or young person can get with their mental health.

Talk to the school’s SENCO

You can ask for a meeting with your child’s teacher or the school's SENCO. It may help if you make a list of what’s worrying your child. 

SENCOs will help identify the next steps to support your child’s needs. This could be support at school or helpful strategies to use at home.

Support from Education Welfare Officers

Education welfare officers make sure that children attend school and get the support they need.

They can help you build good relationships with your child's school and offer home visits to support you and your child.

Find out more about how education welfare officers can help you and your child on school attendance and absence.

Get advice from SENDIASS

Wokingham SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) provides impartial advice and support to parents and carers of children with SEND, and young people with SEND.

SENDIASS can support you in meetings with schools and resolving disagreements.

Find out more about how they can support you on the SENDIASS website.

More advice about reducing school-related anxiety

The following organisations offer information and advice about reducing school-related anxiety.

Anxiety UK provides information on anxiety and treatments.  

Young Minds offers support for those worried about a young person’s behaviour or mental health.

AnDY Research Clinic offers assessments, treatment and research to children and young people suffering from anxiety or depression.

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