Last updated:

9th October 2024

Admissions arrangements 2025

Every school follows a set of rules when they allocate school places, known as admission arrangements.

Read the admission arrangements 2025 to 2026 page to find out more. 

Additional information can be found in our Parents Guide to Starting Infant, Primary and Junior School. 

Find out which school you have been offered

If you applied online on the Citizen Portal:

If you applied using a paper form:

If you applied using a paper application you'll be sent your offer letter by first class post on 16 April 2025.

Accepting the place

Go to the accept or decline a school place web page to accept or decline the place you've been offered by 1 May 2025. 

If you are not happy with the place offered, we recommend that you accept the place and remain on the waiting list for higher preferred schools - doing so does not change your chance of gaining a place and you still have the right of appeal. Any requests for changes have to be made in writing.

Waiting lists

Your child’s name will automatically be placed on the waiting list, in criteria order, of any Wokingham school that you named as a higher preference than the school you have been offered. Waiting list information isn't available until after 2 May 2025. If we can offer you a place from the waiting list at a school you listed as a higher preference, we'll allocate this school to you. We'll remove the place we originally offered you. We won't contact you in advance of doing this.


If you haven't been offered the school you wanted, you can appeal the decision. Appeals have to be received by us by 15 May 2025. 

Go to the school appeals page to find out more.

Moving to a primary school

If you would like your child to move to a primary school you'll need to create a Citizens Portal account.

If you listed a junior school as a preference, we will usually offer you a place if there's one available. It's recommended you accept the place as it will guarantee your child a place for year 3. 

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