Published on
15 March 2024
Sign up for garden waste collections for a greener future
Use this optional, subscription-based service to reduce waste and help the environment

Residents in Wokingham Borough can now sign up for the council’s garden waste collection service, ahead of the household waste collection changes that are coming this summer.
The optional, subscription-based service reduces waste and benefits the environment by collecting garden clippings, grass cuttings, leaves and weeds from the kerbside every fortnight.
These green materials are sent to a composting facility, where they are processed and turned into high quality, peat-free compost for growing other plants.
New and existing customers can sign up on the council’s website. Existing users have been sent an email or letter asking them to renew for another year from April.
Cllr Ian Shenton, executive member for environment, sport and leisure, said: “A recent look at blue rubbish bags collected in selected streets showed that 10 per cent of the contents was garden waste, which just gets burned for energy when you throw it away.
“We’re changing how we collect your waste to improve our recycling rate, save money and reduce our environmental impact. When we put garden waste in the general rubbish, it costs us a lot more than recycling it, and is much worse for the environment.”
“Using our garden waste collection service is convenient for anyone with a garden, however big or small. By reducing our carbon footprint and turning waste into a resource that improves the natural environment, it’s also great for the planet.”
New price to cover rising costs
Due to inflation, the cost of collecting garden waste has been rising. To cover the cost of providing the service, the price of the 12-month subscription from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 will increase from £80 last year to £86.
If residents subscribe after 1 April, the cost will remain £86 until 31 August. It will go down to £55 if they sign up between 1 September and 31 December.
For those signing up for the first time, the price already includes a 240-litre brown wheeled bin for storing garden waste.
New charge for replacement bins
From 1 April, a new charge of £40 per bin will be introduced for replacement of broken or missing bins to cover the cost of purchase and delivery. However, it will be free of charge if the bin is damaged during collections and reported by crews.
To make the bin last longer, the council advises residents not to overfill it as compacted waste can damage the bin during the emptying process. It is also recommended to label the house number or house name clearly on the bin, so it can be identified if lost.
Changes to waste collections coming soon
From mid August, the council will start collecting general rubbish from most households every two weeks. This will be from a new 180-litre black wheeled bin, which will be delivered from late May onwards.
Recycling will also be collected fortnightly from the existing green bags, on weeks when the wheeled rubbish bins are not emptied. Food waste collections will stay weekly. Additional green bags, or a food waste bin and caddy, can be picked up from hubs around the borough free of charge – search ‘collect green bags’ or ‘food waste collection’ on the council’s website for more information.
Residents can visit the council’s website to learn more about the new service and how to get ready for the changes.