Last updated:

25th April 2024

Healthcare information for new residents

Healthcare information and translations for new Wokingham Borough residents

We have produced a local pack to provide general information to people who have newly arrived in Wokingham and wish to know more about the local healthcare system:

If you are healthcare practitioner, please read the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Migrant health guide. This includes the Countries A to Z page and provides advice and guidance by country on the health needs of migrant patients.  

Webinar for residents from Hong Kong

We have produced a Webinar in Cantonese on healthcare in the UK for new residents from Hong Kong. For the latest information - like up-to-date guidance on Covid-19 - visit the websites mentioned in the video.

Guidance for guests of the Homes for Ukraine scheme

The Government has produced a series of guides for guests of the Homes for Ukraine scheme, which covers topics on health, care and accessing urgent medical help. 

Other useful websites

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