Child protection and family support

Reporting safeguarding concerns and family support

In this section

Report a concern about a child

Report a child at risk, or an adult who poses one

Ask for family support

Advice, assessments, and resources for families

Early Help Service

Whole-family and group-based support for children

SEND Local Offer

Special educational needs and disabilities 0 to 25

Domestic abuse

Get support, find information, report a concern

Young carers

Support and how to get a young carers assessment

Children in care

What happens when you're in care

Care leavers

Your pathway plan, support from a Personal Advisor

Internet safety advice

Speak with your child about what they do online

What we're doing to help troubled families

Keeping children in school and adults in work

Feedback and complaints

Report your dissatisfaction or concern to us

Multi-Agency Early Help Assessment

Tool for practitioners to help support families

Give website feedback