Last updated:
25th June 2024
Carer's assessments
The process of getting a carer's assessment
You are considered a carer if
- You care for a friend or family member who is over the age of 18.
- The person you care for usually needs support due to their age, illness, disability, substance misuse or mental health problem and couldn't manage without this help.
Carers assessment
If this applies to you, you can ask for an assessment either by:
- Completing the Carer's Self-Assessment (PDF document)
- Contact the Health and Social Care Hub on 0300 365 1234
To find out more read the Carer's Assessment Guide (PDF document) and the sections below.
If you provide care for an adult and you're under 18 there is a separate page of support and information you can visit - Support for Young Carers.
What happens in the carer's assessment?
We look at what things could make your role as a carer easier. This includes, with your consent, referring you to other organisations who can support you by making sure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. We will also provide information and advice on short breaks, and practical and emotional support available to you.
We will also discuss what you’d need to know in an emergency, as well as what support is available to help you get back into work, take part in leisure activities and improve your own health.
Once you have contacted us to have a carer’s assessment we will be in touch to arrange an appointment for the assessment to be carried out. This will be at a time suitable to you and your caring needs.
Read the Carer's Assessment Guide (PDF document).
After the assessment
After the assessment is completed we will discuss with you the help needed.
If you're eligible we'll arrange for you to have a carers budget. This is an amount of money set aside for you to buy services to help meet your eligible needs as a carer.
Arrange a break from caring
Short breaks
A short break is designed to give a break to the carer to let them take some time away from their caring role, knowing that the person they care for is being well looked after.
Breaks during the day
Sit-in services or respite breaks can be provided. Short breaks and breaks during the day are facilitated under the cared-for person’s assessment, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.
Other places offering services can be found in our community directory, including:
Breaks away from your home
The services below can provide short breaks:
Residential care homes: offer short term care, providing help with daily living tasks such as washing, bathing, dressing and offering meal time help in a 24 hour care environment
Nursing homes: offer the same services as residential care homes, as well as having trained nurses for specific nursing care needs
Short break centres: offer short-term care for adults with disabilities, with trained staff and engaging activities and outings
Dementia registered care homes offer specialist care for people with dementia.
Read advice and information for carers on the NHS website.
Help and support services for carers
Local support
The information and advice support services for carers in Wokingham is provided by the Wokingham Carers Partnership.
Digital resources from Carers UK
Having the right information at the right time can make a significant difference for carers and those they care for. We have partnered with Carers UK to offer carers in the Wokingham borough free access to practical, financial, and emotional support through their digital platforms.
Find out how to create an account using the free access code
Looking after yourself
It is important to also take care of yourself, the following websites contain helpful information about looking after yourself and your mental wellbeing:
Support services
Browse our community directory for organisations and charities who provide information, advice and support to carers.