You're Funding Your Community

How your Council Tax makes a difference locally

Our colleagues make a huge difference to residents every day. Here's some of their stories and what they do.


You're funding your community

Meet Bea

Find out how Bea works with children who are at risk of or already involved in criminality, to prevent their behaviour escalating.

Meet Bea
Sensory Needs Service senior specialist Sarah Lenton

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Sarah

Find out how Sarah supports D/deaf and blind residents.

Meet Sarah
Social worker Natalija Seme outside the council's Shute End office

You're funding your community

Meet Natalija

Find out how Natalija works with hospital patients to arrange their safe return to the community.

Meet Natalija
Katrina Reeves, TEC team leader

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Katrina

Find out how Katrina helps to keep the vulnerable safe in their own homes through technology.

Meet Katrina
Tanya Pellew - domestic abuse and housing specialist

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Tanya

Find out how Tanya keeps victim survivors of domestic abuse safe.

Meet Tanya
Shane Venn Physical Activity Coordinator

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Shane

Find out how Shane helps residents through physical activity.

Meet Shane

A great place for everyone

We want Wokingham borough to be a great place to live, learn, work and grow and a great place to do business, and it's our responsibility to deliver the services that will achieve this for everyone.

Your council tax money helps us to do this - you're funding your community.

We are a team of nearly 1,500 staff across five areas of the council that work together to improve the lives of everyone who lives, works or visits the borough.

You probably use many of these every day without realising or thinking about how they’re funded. That could be street lighting, highway maintenance, drainage, bin collections, schools, parks, libraries or leisure centres.

We also provide services you may not need right now, or may never need, like social care for adults and children. These services are vital to many residents and are where most of our money is actually spent.

Our costs are rising significantly and we’re having to work out how we can keep these essential services running while ensuring people still live life to the full.

Where does your Council Tax money go?

For everyone £1 it's is spent on:

  • 35p on Adult Social Care - including Adult Safeguarding, Adult Social Care and Public Health
  • 23p on Children’s Services - including Child Safeguarding, Children’s Social Care, Corporate Parenting and School Support
  • 29p on Place and Growth - including Transport and Highways, Waste and Recycling, Planning, Community Safety, Parks and Open Spaces
  • 7p on Resources and Assets - including Finance, Governance and Democratic Process, Procurement, Property and Assets
  • 6p on Chief Executive’s Office - including Libraries, Climate Emergency, IT, HR and Communications

How does your Council Tax money help others?

We thought it would be useful to let you hear from those who make up the Wokingham Borough Council team, many of whom live here in the borough like you and are working to make our community better for everyone.

Befriending and keep in touch coordinator Carol McQuade

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Carol

Find out how Carol creates vital, life-enhancing social connections for residents. 

Meet Carol
Anti-social behaviour manager Gina Frost

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Gina

Find out how Gina helps tackle anti-social behaviour in the borough. 

Meet Gina
Rachel Moodie - Long Term Health Conditions Coordinator

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Rachel

Find out how Rachel helps residents with decreased mobility, learning disabilities and long-term health conditions.

Meet Rachel

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Glenn

Find out how Glenn project manages support for the Cost of Living crisis and helps to coordinate resource and services to residents in need.

Meet Glenn
Jayne Streak - Friendship Alliance project manager

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Jayne

Find out how Jayne reduces the impact of residents' loneliness and isolation. 

Meet Jayne
Aga Goslar - Health Prevention team

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Aga

Find out how Aga keeps residents active to help improve their health and wellbeing. 

Meet Aga
Claire Shropshall

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Claire

Find out how Claire helps residents manage everyday stress and wellbeing challenges.

Meet Claire

You're Funding Your Community

Meet Vicki

Find out how Vicki provides support for families who have a child with an autism diagnosis.

Meet Vicki

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