Last updated:

19th July 2023


New Thames Valley Science and Innovation Park

The Thames Valley Science and Innovation Park (TVSP) will be a cluster of knowledge-based businesses, to assist growing companies. The proposed Thames Valley Science and Innovation Park will comprise employment floor space and be linked to the University of Reading. Outline planning permission has been granted for phase 1 which is about 18,850 square metres of floor space. Reserved matters for phase 1A has been approved and is under construction. Gateway Building 1 was completed in 2018. An outline application for Phase 2 of the Science Park was approved in July 2017 for 57,110 square metres of research and development and innovation floorspace.

The Thames Valley Science and Innovation Park will offer opportunities for the borough’s highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce. The TVSP will help with the sustainability of the Shinfield Parish major development area. It will become a place where people can choose to live, work and shop in very close proximity, and can use alternatives to the car to get around.

More widely, the TVSP (Thames Valley Science and Innovation Park) will have close transport links to London and Heathrow and help to highlight the University of Reading as a promoter of research and development.

The TVSP will deliver a high quality, flagship development within Wokingham Borough. It will encourage inward investment and a new commercial offering to the knowledge-economy markets in London, the Thames Valley and the South East.

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