Last updated:
4th July 2023
Priority services
Help from utility providers if you are vulnerable
This is a service offered by utility providers if you are vulnerable. You could be eligible if you:
- have reached your state pension age
- are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
- are recovering from an injury
- have a hearing or sight condition
- have a mental health condition
- are pregnant or have young children
- have extra communication needs, such as if you don’t speak or read English well
You might still be able to register for other reasons if your situation isn’t listed. For example, if you need short-term support after a stay in hospital.
Help you can get
- Priority support in an emergency - operators could provide help if you are cut off supply
- Extra warnings if supply is interrupted
- Create a password, so if someone from a utility company visits you, you can make sure it’s definitely them
- Help with your meters or readings
- Accessible formats for bills such as large print or braille
Water - register now with your provider
Gas or electricity - register now with your provider
These are provided by the company which owns the electricity or gas network. It will not always be the company you pay your gas or electricity bills to.