Last updated:

14th March 2024

Support services for children and young people

There are some local organisations and charities that provide support and help for children and young people around employment and life skills. 

Optalis Supported Employment Service

The Optalis Supported Employment Service provides a friendly and confidential employment support service and travel training for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and those transitioning from education into employment.

For further information go to the Optalis website.  

Wokingham Elevate Hub

Wokingham Elevate Hub gives help, advice, and support on employment, training, education, work experience and volunteering.     

For further information go to the Elevate Me website.

Careers and advice services

Additional local and national careers advice and support services can be found by searching our: 

SEND Local Offer directory

Support Groups 

Visit the organisations websites for information on the support groups they run for young people:

Leisure activities

Visit the organisations websites for information on the activities they run

Further leisure activities can be found by searching the SEND Local Offer directory and SEND Local Offer what's on guide.

SEND Youth Forum

The Me2 Club has started a new SEND youth forum for children and young people aged 8 – 25 years with additional needs and/or their siblings in Wokingham. To find out more about the role of the forum and how to become a member visit the Say Yes (Youth Engagement Squad) directory listing.

SEND Local Offer

If you need help to find the information you are looking for on the SEND Local Offer or to give us feedback about what is available locally for 0 to 25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities please use our:

SEND Local Offer contact form

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