Last updated:

3rd April 2024

SEND travel assistance to school and college

What travel assistance is

Most children get to school with their parents or carers, or on their own if they're older. Some children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) may not be able to because:

  • their school is too far away
  • they're unable to walk
  • they're not able to use public transport in the same way as other children

Your child or young person may be eligible for support if they cannot walk to school because of their SEND or mobility problem. This is called travel assistance.

Travel assistance we provide

The type of travel assistance your child may get will depend on their needs and the journey they have to take. We will assess the most suitable option to meet your child's needs.

Travel assistance can be:

  • mileage reimbursement of 45p per mile to cover fuel costs
  • training and support to travel independently
  • a walking escort or responsible adult to escort your child on public transport
  • free passes on public transport
  • a seat on a dedicated school bus or minibus
  • a shared taxi with one or more other pupils

Travel assistance we do not provide

We only provide travel assistance for a child's journey between their home address and school.

If the child’s parents live at separate addresses, travel assistance will normally be provided to where the child normally lives.

We do not provide travel assistance for:

  • travel to an alternative provision arranged by the school, this could be because of a fixed period exclusion or other reasons
  • attending work experience placements or interviews
  • visits to clinics, GP surgeries, hospital appointments during the school day
  • after school clubs
  • travel to a parent or carer's preferred school that is not the nearest suitable school
  • travel to and from home outside of normal school finishing hours

Reviewing travel assistance

We review travel assistance regularly to make sure we are meeting the needs of the children travelling as much as possible.

We may decide that an alternative option could be more suitable for your child or young person. When this happens, we will check with you and the school before making any changes to travel arrangements.

Changes to circumstances

You are responsible for letting us know if there are any changes to your child's circumstances that may affect their travel assistance support.

You can email the SEND transport officer if there are any changes at: SEND

If your child has an EHCP

If your child has an education, health and care plan (EHCP), their annual review will look at their travel assistance support to make sure it meets their needs.

The annual review will also consider how your child can get the skills and independence they need to catch public transport on their own. This includes providing independent travel training where appropriate.

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