Last updated:

11th September 2023

In-year school place acceptance form

Form to accept or decline the offer of an in year school place

Read our Parents Guide to In-Year Applications 2024 to 2025 (PDF document) before making an application.

Use the online form below to accept or decline the offer of an in year school place offer.

Make sure you complete this form by the date indicated in the email or letter. If you don't your child's school place could be withdrawn.

A letter offering a school place was sent to you. This school place offer must be taken up within the declared half-term. Failure to take up the offer of a place during this time will mean that the offer is withdrawn and the place released.

If you have not received an offer of your higher ranked preferred school(s), this letter will include important information regarding the allocation and your right of appeal. This may answer any questions you may have, so please wait to receive it before contacting the school admissions team, as telephone lines are likely to be busy. Please use this form (or the paper form sent to you) to accept or decline the school place offer. 

If you are completing this online acceptance form there is no need to return the paper copy.

Please accept or decline your place within 14 days of the date of your offer letter.

Failure to accept the place offered will result in one further written reminder and failure to respond within the time given will result in the offer being withdrawn.

In-year school place acceptance form

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