Last updated:

25th April 2024

Domestic Homicide Review

In 2011 the Government implemented Domestic Violence, Crime, and Victim Act 2004.

What does this mean?

A domestic homicide is defined as a person aged 16 or whose death has or appears to have been the result of violence, abuse or neglect by:

  • A person to whom he/she was related or had been in an intimate personal relationship
  • A member of the same household

Agencies, including the police, ourselves, and health services from the local area will then carry out a review. The review will:

  • Establish what lessons can be learned from the domestic homicide.
  • Look at the way in which local professionals and organisations work individually and together to keep victims safe
  • Identify clearly what those lessons are both within and between agencies
  • Identify how the lessons will be acted on and how long that will take to be acted on
  • Identify what is expected to change as a result
  • Apply those lessons to service responses including changes to policies and procedures as appropriate
  • Prevent domestic violence homicide
  • Improve how services respond to all domestic violence victims and their children
  • Improved how the different agencies work together
  • Improve how agencies work internally

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